This season, Girls on the Run Greater Boston will post an overview of each week's lessons for families/guardians to follow along with their participants over the next 8 weeks.
Girls on the Run
Lesson 12: Practice 5K
In Lesson 12, the big idea was Team Star Power. The team members built up their confidence for the end-of-season 5K by completing a practice 5K (3.1 miles). There were lots of smiles and high-fives as everyone cheered each other on! The GOTR Goal for the lesson was: Share your accomplishment with a friend or family member and tell them how it felt to complete your practice 5K!
Questions and conversation starters:
1. Wow! You had your first chance to try and complete an entire 5K! How did it go?
2. What were some of the GOTR tools you used to help you cross the finish line?
Lesson 16: Mapping Our Community
The big idea for lesson 16 was Our Community Shines. We made a large map and filled it with the people, places, and things that make up our local community. As we completed our workout, we considered how each part of our community is valuable and shines in its own way. Next practice we begin our Community Impact Project using the community map we made to help our community shine brighter. The GOTR goal for this lesson was: Look at the people, places, and things around you and find one new way they help our community shine.
Questions and conversation starters:
1. What are the parts of our community you added to your team map at practice?
2. How can I help you with your GOTR Goal?
Heart & Sole (2x a week)
Lesson 14
The Big Idea in Lesson 14 was: to take care of ourselves, we need to set boundaries. Now that the girls are thinking about how to take care of themselves, this lesson teaches them how to protect that relationship by creating healthy boundaries. The girls learned about different types of boundaries and shared their comfort, stretch, and panic zones in different situations. During the Workout, they practiced setting these boundaries with a partner using different scenarios. The Take Home Challenge for this lesson was to use their knowledge and skills to practice setting a boundary, and to paying attention to how it feels to set and keep it.
Questions and Conversation Starters:
1. Why do you think it’s important to know when you are comfortable and uncomfortable in a situation? (Share an example from your own life with her.)
2. What did you learn about different kinds of boundaries today? Do you think it’s easier to set some boundaries more than others?
Lesson 17
In Lesson 17 the Big Idea was that we can do anything we set our minds to do. Today was a big day for the girls: the practice 5k! Today’s practice was a great example of goal setting and achievement. Today will help the girls see where they need to focus and grow before the actual 5k in a few weeks. The Take Home Challenge for this lesson was to tell someone at home about the practice 5k - how it went, what they learned, etc., and to think about specific ways they can start to expand the reach of their Girl Wheel.
Questions and Conversation Starters:
1. Congratulations on completing the 5k! How do you feel? Is there anything you are planning to do differently at the final 5k event?
2. Let’s think about how each part of your Girl Wheel was engaged today. (Body, Brain, Heart, Spirit, and Social)
Heart & Sole (1x a week)
Lesson 8
The Big Idea in Lesson 8 was we can do anything we set our minds to do. Today was a big day for the girls: the practice 5K! The practice was challenging and fun, and it was a great example of goal setting and goal achievement. The practice 5K helped girls see where they need to put their attention before the 5K event. Make sure to celebrate her accomplishment!
Their Take Home Challenge for this lesson was to tell someone at home about the practice 5K- how it went, what they learned, etc.
Questions & Conversation Starters:
1. Wow! Congrats on your practice 5K. How did it go? How are you feeling about your effort?
2. Why do you think today’s Big Idea was, “We can do anything we set our minds to do?”
3. What other parts of your Girl Wheel (besides Body) were engaged today? (Heart, Spirit, Social, and Brain.)

Photos in order of appearance:
- Needham Rec. - Needham
- Bowen - Newton
- Bates - Salem