This season, Girls on the Run Greater Boston will post an overview of each week's lessons for families/guardians to follow along with their participants over the next 8 weeks.
Girls on the Run
Lesson 19: Share the Superstar Message
The big idea for Lesson 19 was Let Your Star Power Shine! In this lesson, we reflected on what it means to be a Superstar and celebrated being ourselves and shining in our own way! During our workout, we completed laps in honor of someone special. We each chose someone who encourages us to shine in our own way or who we want to encourage to shine in their own way! The GOTR Goal for this lesson was: Pass on the Star Power message you wrote down in your journal. Let your Star Power shine and help others do the same!
Questions and conversation starters:
1. How can we help each other activate our Star Power and love ourselves?
2. Who did you complete laps for at practice? Why did you choose this person?
Lesson 20: Our GOTR Toolbox
The big idea for Lesson 20 was Our GOTR Toolbox. We moved and reflected on everything we learned this season and all the tools we will take with us outside of Girls on the Run. During our workout, we completed a special Future Me Letter to remind ourselves of all we have learned and are taking with us. This special letter will be sealed and re-opened whenever your child needs a reminder of how bright they shine and what they’ve learned here at GOTR! Please ask your child about this letter and find a special place to keep it safe! The GOTR goal for this lesson was: Share what you learned this GOTR Season with someone special!
Questions and conversation starters:
1. What are some of the tools in your GOTR Toolbox?
2. Show me your Future Me Letter. What did you include? Where should we keep it safe?
3. Show me your GOTR Journal. What’s inside?
Heart & Sole (2x a week)
Lesson 19
In Lesson 19 the Big Idea was that our voices and actions matter. As the end of the season approaches, it is clear that the girls have grown in so many ways and now have a clearer sense of what they believe in and what they are willing to act on. In this lesson, the girls identified some of those beliefs, shared them with their teammates, and noticed some similarities and differences. During the journal portion of the lesson, the girls reflected on how it felt when they took action to extend the reach of their Girl Wheel, and they committed to extending it even more. The Take Home Challenge for this lesson was to continue to extend the reach of their Girl Wheel to include others.
Questions and Conversation Starters:
1. How do you think your voice matters? Why do you think it is sometimes hard to use your voice, especially when it really matters?
2. How did it feel to share about reaching out to others in your stretch zone? How were your experiences similar or different from your teammates’ experiences?
3. The final 5k is just around the corner! How are you feeling about the end of the season and the 5k?
Lesson 20
The Big Idea in Lesson 20 was decided upon by the girls as they reflected on the season and all that they have learned. In this lesson the girls identified areas of strength they have developed over the season. They spent time running with their teammates, and they shared their final thoughts about the season. The final Take Home Challenge was to continue to reach out to others by expanding their Girl Wheel and sharing some of the skills and strengths they gained in Heart & Sole with others.
Questions and Conversation Starters:
1. What did the team decide was the Big Idea for your last practice? Why?
2. What has been your favorite part of Heart & Sole?
Heart & Sole (1x a week)
Lesson 9
In Lesson 9, the Big Idea was by stretching ourselves, we can positively impact others. Today the girls identified their comfort, stretch, and panic zones so that they could acknowledge their limits and how to push themselves to grow. During the first Activity, the girls defined their comfort, stretch, and panic zones with examples from their own lives. In the first Journal, they created an action plan to extend the reach of their Girl Wheel to connect with those in their stretch zone. In the last Journal, they reviewed and committed to the action to connect with those Wheels.
Their Take Home Challenge for this lesson was to follow through on their action plan to extend their Girl Wheel to connect with people in their stretch zones.
Questions & Conversation Starters:
1. Tell me about some of the examples from the activity. Which ones were in your comfort zone? Your stretch zone? (Share some examples of things in your own comfort and stretch zones.)
2. What is your plan to extend the reach of your Girl Wheel to others? What person or group are you trying to impact? How can I help?
3. KEEP MOVING: How are you feeling with the 5K event coming up? How can I help you prepare?
Lesson 10
The Big Idea in Lesson 10 was that my Girl Wheel can help me and others. Today’s lesson was a culmination of girls’ hard work and growth over the past nine lessons. In their Journal, the girls looked at their action plan for extending their Girl Wheel to others and problem-solved on how to move forward. In the first Activity, girls returned to a continuum activity from early in the season to saw how they’ve grown. In the next Activity, they shared where they feel strong in their Girl Wheel (e.g., because I am strong in my Spirit, I can…).In the last Journal, they reflected on their Girl Wheel as a whole and shared their final thoughts about the season.
Questions & Conversation Starters:
1. Today was your last day of Heart & Sole. How are you feeling right now?
2. How have you gotten stronger this season? How do you think that happened? (Share your thoughts and observations.)
3. What did you share about extending your Girl Wheel? How can I help you continue to extend your Wheel to positively impact others after Heart & Sole has ended?
4. What did you write in your final Girl Wheel? Where have you grown the most? (Share your thoughts and observations.)

Pictures in order of appearance:
- Tenney Grammar - Methuen
- Lura A. White - Shirley
- Sisson - Lynn